- (?), Agnes to Behrens, Jan Hinrichs
- Bell, John to Chedsey, Sarah
- Cheever, Sarah to Duensing, Vera
- Dunahegls, P. David to Goodin, Wilma
- Goodlett, Eva Jean to Hale, Joab Tyler
- Hale, John to Hoffman, William
- Hoffmann, Katherine to Kinne, Thomas
- Kirby, Bessie to Leete, Joseph
- Leete, Joseph to MacNaughton, Scott Daniel
- Maendele, Marie to Muller, William Edward
- Mulvehill, Catherine to Reiser, Roger
- Reiter, Bernadette to Schrader, Wilber Roy
- Schramek, Glenda Joe to Tegler, Ralph
- Tempest, Bridget to Weers, Marten Behrends
- Weers, Oeje Hinrichs to Zweibohmer, Hilda